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PERC’s research agenda centers around student access and completion, with partners spanning state and federal agencies, community- and education-based foundations, and institutions ranging from universities and community colleges to technical schools.


Featured Series: How are institutions practicing student engagement in the midst of a global pandemic?

PERC’s newest series, Student Engagement: Practice & Planning in the COVID-19 Environment, identifies trends and practices as student affairs professionals across the nation innovate and adapt to engage students.


Click each dropdown below to browse recent projects by focus area or here to view all publications.

  • Student Engagement: Practice & Planning in the COVID-19 Environment. This nine-brief series identifies trends and practices as student affairs professionals actively innovate and adapt to engage students during times of global pandemic.
  • North-American Interfraternity Conference Health & Safety Policy Evaluation. Assessment of the pilot phases of North American Interfraternity Conference’s (NIC) new Enhanced Health and Safety Policies.
  • University Food Insecurity Aid Programs. In partnership with the University of Tennessee, this benchmarking project examined the ways in which UT’s peer and aspirational institutions address food insecurity on campus through the use of pantry and/or meal share aid programs.

Partner with PERC. In addition to access and completion, PERC welcomes projects in other areas of higher education need that align with PERC team expertise. Click here to learn about partnering with our team.